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Adam, 42 y.o.
Manchester, United States [Current City]
Laconia, United States [Hometown]


Looking for

Postal pen pals


Graduate degree
West Chester University of PA


Transportation Planner

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 103.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2020
Hi, just had time to read this comments from few months back., thank you for appreciating the photos and nature.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 8, 2014
thank u for ur comment on my photo
inactive user
Hi Ahlasny! how are you? greetings from Italy!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2012
Hi, thanks for the photo comment. You are right, these bridges are similar! I like these kind of bridges.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2011
Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year Adam

Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2011
Thanks, I've have finally added a sort of my new year. All is well in uganda. I hope you and your family are ok.
Have a nice week.
inactive user
My heart beats for FC Schalke 04 :). Arsenal is a great team as well.
inactive user
Hi, greetings from Germany ! What´s your fave soccer team ? :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2011
Adam--I'm terribly sorry for not replying to you. How have you been?? I'm having a dull boring week. I finished "Anna Karenina" by Tolstoy-I loved it. I'm reading Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. do you find time to read?? How is Julia ?? She looks just so adorable in every picture. Hope you are having a lovely day. I dont get as much time to stay online-like I used too. I do access interpals on my phone but I dont find it friendly enough to write messages. How is the weather out there? Here it is terribly dull and it rains all the time. What have you been doign lately apart from work ofcourse :). I'll have to leave now. Take care--have a lovely week.

Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2011
Hi,你好, how are you
My baby is 8 months older than yours. It's so good to be a father ,isn't it ?
by the way, you look like the Star "Nicolas Cage" in some angles! hehe
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