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Germaine, 32 y.o.
Yonkers, United States [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 495.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2013
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!
inactive user
long time no talk wats up?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2010
heya ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2010
heyyy !:
inactive user
inactive user
Wow. That's lucky. My parents would kill me in that case haha.

yeah, i kind of got to celebrate it. It wasn't too great though. My mom invited the whole family and i ended up cancelling on my friends lol but i couple (twins) decided to squeaze their way into the family party lol.

That's tomorrow! lol. Have you seen your college yet? My sister and I just moved into our places and it's her first time ever in this city lol.

Oh... Are you guys both ok? That's usually a time to go see the doctor lol.

Nothing new, except the moving in part. I'm renting a house along with 3 other people at the moment. It's quite nice here. I haven't really been here before too so i'll be busy looking around this week and then lectures start next Monday. That's about it lol.
inactive user
hahaha. I didn't believe it at first but I noticed most girls there aren't very... celibant? I'm not sure if I used the right word or not lol.

Wow. It's a good thing you've never been in a car accident, or a small one even lol. That's cool though, my parents will never let me drive on my own lol.

That sounds like a great birthday lol. I had to miss my birthday party this year because some angry indigenous professors forced us to go to some presentations on their suppression. lol.

My classes start September 13 lol. Only some universities here start on the 7th. So I guess you're pretty excited eh?

Ahh! Yeah. Well, I'm at my parents' campground and because my parents own the campground, I'm not allowed online during the day which makes life less interesting lol.

So what's new with you?
inactive user
That used to happen to me when I was living on campus. People would be drunk and loud so most days I woke up at 2am. I would go to sleep after 10pm when classes were done and wake up at 2 again usually. That sucked so much lol.

Hahaha. Yeah, well I think that university is known for grossness like that. Above that, the most disgusting thing I heard was that 30% (or 70, i cant remember) of senior girls there had clumidia (i cant spell but an STD) lol. That place is just scary haha

I heard that Americans come to Canada cause the drinking age here is only 19/18, depending on the province.

Wow. That's amazing haha. At my university they just charge you a late fee. How does your schedule look? I got mine too and I have like no classes on Mondays and Fridays :D
I hope you enjoy your first year! It'll be fun and much better than school.

lol. Don't worry. I'm in the exact same situation lol. I babysit my cousins and they will be with their parents this week for a change but I'll still be in my trailer park and there's nothing there but farmland and patches of forest. It's so boring there. My internet there is dial-up and doesn't always work right.
When do classes start for you?
inactive user
Sounds like your parents are jus thinking of a retirement home lol. My parents do the same. Sometimes they say Philippines, Florida, Japan, Iqaluit (North Pole basically lol), and so on.
That's cool. I'm glad it's working out for you
I'm sleeping better now, everything was just hecktic with work and family and stuff. Everything is just swell now.
Have I told you about my roommates from last year? They were disgusting. We had 8 month old food in out fridge, mold all over the tables, plates, tables and floor. Someone wasn't flushing and put some disgusting human waste in bags that just sat in our halway... it was like hell. I hope it doesnt end up that way again lol.
That's possible. Or I'm like the Brad Pitt of Canada hahaha, just kidding. That's so stange though that someone thought that.
What can you do when you turn 18? Here, you can vote and at 19 you can buy beer and cigarettes lol.

Nothing is new in my life. Just bored and tired and kind of busy. Next month I start my 2nd year of university so I'm excited for that. That's about it though. I've just been reading books and playing video games and hanging out with cousins. There's not a whole lot to do in a trailer park lol.
inactive user
lol. No problem. I understand haha
Oh are you in NY for your vacation?
Why'd he break up with you? I guess it depends, i dont really know you guys so I can't put my two cents in lol. So who's the new guy?
Thanks. Everything is just ok. I have problems sleeping most nights so I'm trying this Herbal Insomnia thing... I feel like a mental patient in line buying it but I figure I should be sleeping every night lol. My cousin in California is getting married soon but I won't be able to attend. I wish I could go cause he's marrying a Jewish girl and the wedding is supposed to be somewhat Jewish tradition which I would love to see since I've only been to Christian weddings. My studies start again in September, I'm not sure if it's the same in the US or not. I'm looking forward to it. I dont know if i mentioned but I am renting a place starting September 1. I hope I have good roommates.
The other day something funny happened. My sister's friend apparently met an ex-girlfriend of mine but I never had one before, so I'm trying to figure out who would have ever thought they were going out with me haha. It's like I had a mystery woman lol.
Other than that, lots of baby sitting of my cousins and living in a trailer park with my family. Nothing really happens there so I've been reading a lot about history which isn't that exciting.
So what's new in your life?
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