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Emilia, 27 y.o.
Siedlce, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


High school

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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
It's time for you to come back!
inactive user
Now that sounds like the mark of a true best friend. This summer I got my friend a children's shirt I found in XXL that managed to fit him just right. My favorite concert I've been to was Viet Cong last year. They sounded killer live and I was able to get right at the front from coming early. You might be lame, but at least you have an interpals account
inactive user
Studying languages would be interesting, whenever I think of linguistics I always imagine researchers jumping into a wrestling match and the winner gets to decide the origin of Basque. Nothing wrong with being unsure about what to study, as long as people put in the effort they seem to succeed. Personal gifts are my favourite, I always tell my friends to make me a drawing or write me a poem for birthday. And ye, seeing people live is great, there's always a bunch of energy in the performances that you can't hear anywhere else
inactive user
Digital design is cool, one of my friends works in the field and it was neat to see how they improved over time with things such as 3D modelling. NY is great, there's so much to do in places like the Rockefeller Center. As far as big cities go it's a lot of fun to visit. Funny you mention makeup, I got my brother to pitch in and we bought our sister an eyeshadow palette. I'm fine with not getting a gift or chunk of money at Christmas, since I buy things throughout the year if they go on sale. I love going to concerts, going to see John Maus as well as The Soft Moon next year.
inactive user
I am doing a double major in biology & philosophy right now, it's pretty fun. My break is until the 3rd of January so I have 13 days left: seems a bit short but I feel a bit restless if it were to go longer. Spending time with family in Spain sounds great, I have family in New York and I get to see them during the summer. I'd visit them during the winter but there's just less to do there in the city at this time. I have no clue what I'll get for Christmas. I told my family beforehand there's nothing on my mind so they don't have to buy any large gifts for me, but they'll probably end up surprising me with something nice. How about you?
inactive user
I love naps! I just woke up from one, really glad I get to laze around now since my last exams were yesterday. Now that the semester's over I haven't planned anything yet for the Christmas break, so I'm gonna see what friends/family are up to. In the meantime I'm just playing toontown & intermittently doing work on mturk to buy old pokemon cards for my collection. This is my favourite time of year, it's comfy since everyone gets time off, but the snow & ice turn everything fun
inactive user
Fortunately my little brother and sister are in their late teens now, so now doing things with them is pretty fun. Funnily enough they love the beach, I think it's nice but would rather visit where my grandma used to live. Only downside is they only like travelling to warm places, so going to Banff with them is out of the question :?)
inactive user
You're right about Italy, I've been to Rome & Capri on a school trip years ago and it was great! I've visited Quebec but I want to eventually go to all the provinces and territories, there are a bunch of national parks & historic sites that look like a lot of fun. Aside from that, I'd like to visit Croatia with my siblings some time.
inactive user
Fair enough, I am no flower doctor ,':^)
Favourite city you've been to?
inactive user
link is at the top of my profile
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