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Trisha, 28 y.o.
Berkeley, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 3410.
inactive user
Nice to meet you. Where did you take your photos?
inactive user
Haha. Okay! ;) but I think your black one is better^^ Dont worry~ hehe. (of course red is the best to me~)
by the way, will you go to German college or American?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2014
HI, I'm just passing by your profile :)
good noon
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2014
Haappyy birthday!! :D
inactive user
Trisha~! :D Happy birthday~~
You know what? We met first a year ago! I mean, we've kept in touch pretty long!
Even though I didn't reply right away(TT I'm really sorry..), and I'm so happy!!^^
Actually I already finished your letter long time ago, and now I'm still finding somthings to send you, that's because I'm busy :(
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) I hope you spend a great birthday~
Congratulations for your graduation too! I love you Trisha~^^
I hope we meet someday in Korea, or US! :DD
inactive user
LOL I'm currently studying programming, C++ ... What's ACT? :P
I thought the only test needed was SATs ... I wish I could major in something like Lasers or Astronomics
inactive user
Lol Good luck then xP We all are gonna need it, maybe one day I'll join NASA or ISRO (indian counterpart... never mind :P) and be like Howard Wolowitz,
Given your SATs?
inactive user
Haha I wish I could, it's expensive to apply to foreign universities without scholarship.. I guess I'll come to the States for my post-grad, but for now I'm gonna stay in India.
You wanna be an engineer? xD
inactive user
Haha I see! California seems like a cool place.. CalTech ._____.
Wish I could get in there
inactive user
Oh well if you ever find the time, you should see it, so sup? Must be pretty late there xP
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