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Superman93, 31 y.o.
Győr, Hungary [Current City & Hometown]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 64.
inactive user
I have literally 0 problem with you not being gay xd
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2019
I do not practice this properly, but I did some gymnastics during 3 years, and floor was my favorite apparatus :D - let's say I didn't have that much skills in gyms but I loved floor ^^ I didn't go as far as you probably, it took me some time to learn things but I remember the old time of: round offs front and backward flips, forward and backward somersaults (kind of the toughest thing I made when I stopped ^^), and "handstands waltz" (a handstand with a 360° turn at least while standing on your hands). I confess I am not sure of some terms I wrote as I am French, but here is the main stuff ;) What about you !
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2019
pleased to meet you while wandering here seeking tricks lovers :D Pretty nice tricks ! :D
inactive user
Hi, mr. Superman :)
inactive user
At the beginning I didn't know dependence, it was just a one of favourite song. But now I think that I can find some deeper meaning :)
inactive user
between two what?
inactive user
Thanks ;)
inactive user
It's holiday here.. no work
inactive user
I'm good and you?
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2018
Nothing happened
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