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Louise, 33 y.o.


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2014
Since you like the accordion, you should check out "The Dead Victorians".
You should also help me get some british songs so I can play them on my accordion one day :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2014
You bet! What consoles do you usually play on then? I've got many older consoles as well, oldest is a Panasonic 3do, then 3 n64's, 1 GameCube, a ps2, a ps3 and 2 Xbox 360's. I play on a variety XD different types of games for certain systems I suppose. Do you play ps2 at all? Or any of the above?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2014
Oh I could recommend many a game, but it would just depend on what systems you may have. :) The Last of Us is amazing, such a good game, ps3 exclusive though, so if you haven't played that, I highly recommend it! Bioshock games, 1,2,or 3. They are for multiple systems, ps3, 360, pc, just a great game series in my opinion. Borderlands! Either 1 or 2, fun games to play with friends, online, or solo. Fun stuff. Have you played any of those titles? Heard of them?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2014
Why hello! What games are you currently playing? Anything worth beans?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2014
Tenacious D ? Really ? Great !!! :-D
inactive user
buenas noches, que descanses :) saludos a Mr.Bean :P
inactive user
:O :') sisi tienes razón amiga :) muchas suerte con tu español :B haya en La Madre patria de poquito a poquito serás toda una hispanohablante :B
inactive user
eaaa ¡¡¡ lml :O dijiste el mas padre ¡¡ genial ¡¡ jeje es que como amaría viajar :C
inactive user
:O i envy you :') and why spanish my amiga??
inactive user
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah :P for example :P well the mexicans are laughing more jeje and why do u live now in España?
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