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Bryan, 40 y.o.
Bradenton, United States [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 4 of 4.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2008
Hello again Bryan,

Thanks for your message. I think most people feel similar about lifes ups and downs. Even a Bible writer Asaph. Read the 73 Psalm and see if perhaps you don't identify a bit with him. You may or may not, but he felt like many, that the rich have it so easy, but as you said they have problems to. But his conclusion is what I appreciated in verse 28.

But I feel that there are sound answers to serious questions that pertain to today's world. Will things just keep going on as they are? Will people keep destroying the planet until it's not fit to live on anymore. Does the earth have a definite part in God's purpose for mankind or is it just a stepping stone to heaven. Why does God allow injustice and suffering, and will it ever end. These questions and more are answered logically and clearly in the Bible. But I agree with you that religion has failed to represent the Bible accurately and so many people have stopped reading the Bible on that account. Maybe you've noticed how involved religion has been in the political arena. Instead of teaching the vital truth that God's Kingdom is the solution for our problems they are busy promoting human solutions. It's not worked yet nor will it.(Matthew 6:9,10)

Stay in touch and thanks for explaining ( lol) Gary
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2008
How are you Bryan,

My name is Gary, originally from Oregon. My wife and I moved to Mexico about two years ago. We enjoy it here as the climate is very warm all year. we live on Lake Chapala just south of Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco.

Your profile has a lot to say. I'm curious about your search for the meaning of life. What areas have you explored? What has come the closest to your expectations.? Since you obviously respect the the Bible have you found any answers there.?Do you think there really is an answer to such a question?

I have one question for me. What does lol stand for, I see it alot in peoples mail.? Hope to hear from you soon Gary
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2008
Hey Bryan...its been awhile. Hope all is well and would love to know how things are going! xoxo Brooke
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2007
its like ive met you before lol.
i have never been to america but i am planning to and i cant wait. yeah englands preety cool, if you dont mind the cold weather lol. thank you very much for the compliments. i to am not on here for a relationship but as you said , you never know what will happen.
im in and out of work at the moment. im doing a apainting and decorating apprentiship. yes i will admit i can be tomboy\'ish but i can be girly, though im not into the whole bitching side of it. hope that i dont scare you of say this but i also play football when i get some spare time.(well soccer) lol. i absolutly lvoe enya. and i get crap of my friends all the time for listning to her i think she is absolutly amazing.I love steven king and frequnly read his books or his films. i hope we keep in touch :)
ttyl p.s i cant always get to a computer (i do have one but unfortunatly cant afford to pay for the internet at the moment) so i will try to keep in touch as often as poss if thats ok with you. take care x
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