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Nettisaysaloha, 29 y.o.
Duisburg, Germany [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 152.
inactive user
ow okay =)
inactive user
u live in duisburg ? :D
inactive user
some friends hamburg and some friends berling and my uncle too lives in germany stutgard
inactive user
:) hehe dont apoglize same my english to bad x)) i have german friends actually they are turkish but they live and they were born germany :D
inactive user
ow sorry :D im watching tv :) and i know a bit german :D
inactive user
.D sorry for my late reply :D i was trying to understand what you wrote but ok i guess i understood :)
inactive user
gut danke :)was machst du :) ? Wie ist Ihr Name :)
inactive user
Ihre Begrüßung . wie gehts dir :)
inactive user
Hiii!!!! =)
inactive user
Hey :)
Please vote for my video "Hide and Seek" by Anna Han for the video competition!
It will only take a sec :)
I'll muchly appreciate it! Thank youuu :D
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