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Emma, 27 y.o.
Toronto, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 461.
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2016
inactive user
One Ok Rock's songs are good to listen, especially The Beginning !
inactive user
yes, we can, thank you for responding!
inactive user
Hello! I think we have a lot in common. But my japanese is probably worse than yours. ;)
inactive user
haha nice! xD
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2015
no problem! I read yours too. It's hard for me to chat on here, since i'm on mobile. do you have Skype? if you don't it's fine. I can make a line account ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2015
hello Emma! I'm also a 17 year old who lives in Canada :D We have quite a few things in common actually. I'd love to talk to you. hope to hear your reply soon!
inactive user
だったら日本語でやって見る? :)
inactive user
I would love to help you too! Just ask, no problem :)
inactive user
I can do both, but my knowledge of kanji is somewhat limited. :/ I can write complete sentences, but using just katakana and hiragana makes it look quite childish... Perhaps you can help me?
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