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Ristia, 35 y.o.
Banjarmasin, Indonesia [Current City & Hometown]


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Bachelor's degree

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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2018
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2018
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2018
inactive user
We've known each other for over a month now ^^
inactive user

well there's no such market here. if I want to go buy fruit, I can get in my car and drive 15 minutes to the closest grocery store and buy small fruits that are overpriced. Or I can drive 30 minutes to the nearest walmart and buy bigger fruits for cheaper, but I HATE walmart so I don't wanna do that. Yeah not many options here. I need to MOVE OUT.
Give me some of your bananas :)

Is your friend named Siti or Nora? Lol because there was a girl I used to talk to who was obsessed with green tea. But honestly adding tea to food sounds weird. I just wanna drink it :/ but I do want some crepes... how dare you make me crave this food. *points a flintlock at you*

I don't know what this stuff is but it's all too enticing sounding :/ and it makes me kind of hate you for it T_T
inactive user
I wish I had an unlimited supply of pineapple, bananas, and watermelon. Then I would lose weight. :)

Ohhhh, I know that. I've seen pics, but I didn't know the name of it.

Matcha... as in the Japanese green tea? And you used that in crepes? AAAAAAAAHHHH SHOULDN'T TALK ABOUT THIS, ACTIVATING HUNGER MODE!
I have some Chinese green tea, I think I'll make some :)
inactive user
wow it censored H E L L
inactive user
Well yes it's weird to skip meals :\

What the **** is lontong?

:/ :( dessert... uh... hmm, I haven't had dessert in a LONG time but the first thing I can think of is key lime pie?
inactive user
Yeah I agree :)

You DON'T skip breakfast, but DO skip dinner? *raises an eyebrow* well I tried eating more fruits so I can be full on healthy food but I still find ways to eat crap *rolls eyes* oh and I love riding a bicycle, but since my apartment is next to a highway there's no safe roads here to ride it. I go to the gym instead.

Wow you've had a cheese steak? :D
And I know about gado-gado. I heard it on the Indonesian course at
Sounds like the kinda thing I would add to my rice :/

Yep. It's easy. And it always disappears quickly lol.
inactive user
Lol what do you think? Good or bad word to describe us?

So what have you been doing to meet your goals? My dinner was way too big -_- it's the only thing I'll eat today.

It's some kind of vegetarian or vegan food. I don't really know much about it but I heard about a guy who made it for vegetarian philly cheese steaks. :/ I love philly cheese steaks.

Well sure I guess. I cook everyday.

Hmm maybe... I have a bag of dried chinese chilis but I think I'll just use them that way. I already learned to make my own hummus.
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