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Jonathan4christ, 48 y.o.
Makurdi, Nigeria [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 48.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2011
How are you and life around?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2011
How are you, and life around you
inactive user
When you give out of heart and spirit, then you should see that is out of heart and spirit, so no, I do not expect anything from anyone.
I helped in my way to japan, because out of heart and spirit!!
So what you are saying, is not in the same context as I am talking about..
If I plant corn, then of course I would hope it will grow, but you have no control if it does or not, creator does..
I guess you do not see, helping people, animals, the planet, is of spiritual matter and heart..
inactive user
One of many important things my ancestors teach me, if you give, you give from heart, and do not expect anything in return..
Because if someone expects in return, then they have selfish motives..
I only care to help, does not matter what culture, I see everyone as brothers and sisters..(:
I am only one person, but hopefully what little I was able to give, is enough to lift their spirits that someone cares and not alone..
inactive user
Thank you~
Is so true, if we take care of the earth, the earth will take care of us.
Most unfortunate that the animals, planet and people are dying..
We have native american indian prophecy, was written many years ago, that it will take destruction of our world, before people will realize to appreciate it..
We need to preserve this world now more than anyone can realize..
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2011
Life is better not complain.... ;)
Thanks,super :) and you?
inactive user
This site ! hhhh
I want to see your online status...
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2010
im good,,how are you?
inactive user
Im fine thanks my friend and you
inactive user
Hmm...yes,I think.
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