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Jean_delalune, 74 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 40.
inactive user
Ni︂ce p︂r︂o︂f︂i︂l︂e an︂d pi︂ctur︂es︂;︂)︂

︂Ch︂eck︂ m︂y SE︂X D︂ATI︂N︂G︂̩ p︂a︂g︂e: w︂︂w︂w︂︂.︂o︂︂p︂︂t︂o︂︂k︂︂n︂o︂︂.︂︂c︂︂o︂︂m︂/i︂︂d︂︂7︂1︂2︂︂8
Waiting f︂o︂r yo︂u...︂
inactive user
Hi..... The young and beautiful girl looks for the good man! Follow the link, be registered and we will get acquainted! :----> (Copy the link in the browser). id on my website 3112565 <----
inactive user
inactive user
Hi Jean, I love the cat, lovely photos and you obviously culinary skills, I will be in France in April 2016 and so I would enjoy hearing about your culture and your travels.
I am keen to learn french and italian and generally make a good friend.
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2015
Hello Jean, You seem to be a very nice gentleman, and I would like to be your friend. I am FemmeEuny...BTW. the photos that you posted. they're very beautiful, thank you so much! I've enjoyed looking at them.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2015
Hi. Thank you for your comment.
Im Ayaka. Nice to meet you
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2015
Жаль,что вы не говорите по русски....
inactive user
Bonjour (that's as good as it gets) I will never starve or collapse with dehydration as I can always order food and drink wherever I am. It would be nice to chat sometime. France is a beautiful place full of wonderful people, lucky lad. Sand
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2014
Salut Jean. J'ai quelque correspondantes et puis, soudainement, je me disais, pourqoui pas des hommes? Je veux bein correspondre par snail mail - j'adore reçevoir les lettres! Qu'en pense-tu?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2014
Hi there, hows things in your life. I read your profile with interest, would you like to chat at some point.
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