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Angela, 31 y.o.
Kingston, United States [Current City]



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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2010
muy bien!^^
inactive user
so find a cheap flight to Ankara or Istanbul and visit Turkiye,first! im sure you'll like it.
my english is quite good but it's not enough,for sure.
U're originally from south america or what? you can speak spanish,well...
inactive user
haha vamos!! are u kidding with me? :))
im just a beginner in spanish..but it's a nice language to learn..
have u ever been in Turkiye or in Europe before?
hasta pronto amiga..
inactive user
vamos!!! really?? me gusto mucho!
si pero yo quiero ser un entrenedor de futbol! claro me gusta para la diversion, porque??
it's becoming hard Spanish for me :P Lol
inactive user
hola chica :) Lol
Muy bien, y tu? encantado conoserte! soy hakan de Turquia. y yo estudiio phisica maestra! :)
inactive user
Ahoy Angela!

Are you taking Spanish in school? Do you have any prior experience with it? Don't worry, I would most certainly not make fun of you for the amount of Spanish you speak. :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2010
i'm so sorry to answer you soo late!, it's just that my computer broke and then i went on holidays so i couldn't come to check this :S
thanks for answer me n_n
i'm waiting for so long to green day to come to argentina :D
and how are you? n_n
inactive user
Hello Angela, I'm Helen. Well I live in Antrim which is in Northern Ireland. It's pretty backward aha. What's your town like? :)
inactive user
Hello :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2010
should say, but tumwater.
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