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Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 931.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2014

Nice to meet you^^
My name is Sonia, I am from France.
How are you?!
I have a big passion about Asia
Do you know France?!
inactive user
ohhh in Poland usually we have weddings on saturday. only sometimes on sunday ^^
i hope you will have nice time there!!^^
i was on wedding ummm around 1 month ago^^ and it was relly nice. i danced all night^^
maybe wedding looks different here ^^
i was so tired after this wedding^^
so you are preparing on wedding now^^ black suit^^??
inactive user
its ok ^^ dont worry^^
i just woke up^^ weather is so crazy ^^ raining :(
i am hungry :D
i should eat breakfast :D
i feel sleepy still^^ i think i didn't sleep enough^^ so bad^^
any plans for today ??:D
inactive user
yes bro ^^ how are you?
inactive user
thank you!!!^^ you are really kind!!^^
i have 2 english books to study korean and one polish book^^
before one polish girl who lives in KOrea taught me korean^^ but now nope^^
btw, how are you today ?? ^^ i woke up early today ^^ so i am sleepy now^^ eeeh^^ but i have many things to do ^^
inactive user
XD~!! bro ??
how are you ;)
inactive user
oh what do u want to learn?
maybe guitar?
guys like to learn how to play guitars
i dunno why kk
maybe it looks cool haha XD
inactive user
i try to study korean :D
but its really difficult!!:D especially grammar^^
inactive user
oh wow.. u work until 630?
ur a hardworker!!! :O

oooh fitness club?
that's nice
here gym membership is su~per expensive!!! x_X
so, i just workout in my room kk
and dance more haha

nnnn u want special things?
like what?~ :O
inactive user
안녕하세요 !!!
저는 아니타 입니다.
어떻게 지내세요?^^
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