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Mameka sayuri maeda, 30 y.o.
Kyoto, Japan [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 48.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 18, 2011
Hey :)
I'm Celine from Germany ;)
How are you?
inactive user
Hello! How are you?
I’m writing a work about patriotism. Can you help me, please? Can you answer this questions for me, please?
I hope on your help. Thanks =)))

1. What is a homeland for you? ( your feelings, association)
2. What’s mean the word patriot for you? How you understand this word?
3. Are you a patriot?
4. Do you know any examples of patriotism in your country? (describe, please)
5. Do you know any examples of patriotism in foreign countries? (describe, please)
6. what mean flag’s colors of your country?
7. what symbols of your country do you know?
8. do you know the national anthem?
9. how do you think what attitude to your country abroad?
10. what is your attitude to people of other nationality in your country?
11. in what country would you like to live (in your native or in the other?) Why?
inactive user
o genki desu ka?

inactive user
Hi ! How are you ^^ ?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2007
Thanks for the post ^^
Well to answer your question. I have two brothers and three sisters. Both of my brothers are very strange, and I I haven\'t seen one of my sisters in a very long time because she lives states away :O
inactive user
wats up
inactive user
inactive user
Nothing much ^^ Thank you ~ and you ??
inactive user
hello there ;D
how have you been?
nice to meet you here~
inactive user
nice ^_^v
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