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Dayton, 35 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 38.
inactive user
come say hi once in a wile, miss talking to you guys !
inactive user
inactive user
poo in a shoe !!!!
inactive user
come out come out where ever you are , LOL !!!!
inactive user
you logged in and did not even say hello !!!!!
pee on you !!! LMAO
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2009
lol yea i guess it was huh...
inactive user
Why do ducks have webbed feet? to stamp out fires
Why do elephants have flat feet? to stamp out burning duck! :D
hehe Hi how was your day?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2007
charley woohooo im still here,(*_*)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2007
hey moo i think you were right about that person.he is not who he says he is.making out he young and fit lol.wot a dickhead lol.(hugs) xx
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2007
haha you are bad moo but funny,he lovely in soon,love bj xxx luv yer(hugs)
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