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Becky, 32 y.o.
Hà Đông, Vietnam [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 338.
inactive user
Hey, how have you been? I'm missing you.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
ohh cool, I might have said I wanted to study business before but recently I have been looking into studying international relations as well! I'm thinking something along the lines of international business or relations where I can travel a lot! :D

omg yeah I've heard the horror stories, people go crazy when you can buy whatever food you want whenever you want! especially with all of the sugary and greasy junk food they have around colleges! :P
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2010
wow awesome! I'm sure you've made a lot of friends and everything already!

haha I've been good, been in school for 3 weeks also...lots of work to do :P

what sorts of classes are you taking? (:
inactive user
Pfff shame on you...
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2010
ooh that sounds like lots of fun, yeah I cant wait for college :)

& good luck & have fun to you too!
inactive user
Hi .my name is pardis .16 .How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2010
ohh awesome, my school starts the 31st :/

what is the name of your university?

& ummm....well obviously NYC will be an awesome place to visit! along with Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Boston....and as for hotels, there are a lot of cheap places you can stay...I would just check the internet for deals....try or haven't actually booked a hotel by myself without an adult before so I cant be that much help for you haha :P
inactive user
*getting incredibly mad*

I was in Hue :D (bis surprise)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2010
heyy, not much is going on with about you?

wow thats so exciting! where are you going to school again?

oh what do you mean? what kind of place? shopping?
inactive user
for the last week? what's then?
uhmm i was good until i knocked my head into the bus door today when grabbing my luggage. i had to go to the doc to fix it =( no beer for a week. LIFE SUCKS! :D
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