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Bayu Prasetyo, 37 y.o.
Banyuwangi, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


High school


Freelance Designer

Relationship status



Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 34.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2019
I study english
inactive user
inactive user
Hi sure, I would like to be friends. As for the German I would advice you to find a German since I'm not perfect in it .
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2018
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2017
Thx so much brother for ur support :):)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2017
inactive user
Awesome, then we must be friends xD lol ^_^
inactive user
Oh really! I am always looking for more people that I can learn Bahasa Indonesia from and also just be friends! What do you think? :D
inactive user
Great profile photo! ^_^
inactive user
Sugeng siyang mas Bayu!

Sapurane dereng mbales serate mas Bayu. Matur nuwun sanget nggeh mas Bayu panggamblange bab basa jawi niku.

Sinau basa jawi kangge kula gampil lan angel. Gampil mergi sampun saged gineman basa Indonesia. Nanging angel sanget mergi dialek basa jawi katah sanget. Buku piwulan kula ngangge boso jawi Jogjo. Rencang kula wonten interpals wonten inkang ngangge basa suroboyoan, basa jowo ngapak, basa jawi malangan lan sepanunggale. Bingung sanget kula dialek basa jawi katah sanget! hehehe Lajeng bahan piwulang wonten internet sakedhik sanget :(

Panglima seneng sanget mireng sekar jawi Banyuwangi. Katah panyekar engkang gadah bakat nyekar.

Mas Bayu gelem miringake sekar Banyuwangi engkang pundi? :D
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