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Alisa, 30 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 106.
inactive user
Haha. Same here. I'm not close to a beach AT ALL. Unless you count the river. :P
inactive user
Haha. I'd like that job too. lol. Oh. the beach rocks my socks.
inactive user
Oh? lol. How are you going to do that? lol
inactive user
Oh. That sucks. lol
inactive user
lol. Absolutly nothing. :| there's nothing in this town. lol. You?
inactive user
oh. rofl. I get it. I"m sorry about that :P
inactive user
really??? I thought there'd be A LOT. lol
inactive user
haha. Prolly not. I live in the middle of nowhere. lol. Just to go to the mall, I have to drive for 45 minutes. :))
inactive user
ohh. I would go, but I'm about a 12 hour drive away haha
inactive user
Ohh. I see.
Yeah, I have a Facebook. I'll look at it soon. lol.
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