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D.S., 33 y.o.
Fort Collins, United States [Current City]


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Language practice


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1295.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2015
Yo Hunnybun ;)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2015
Happy Birthday Pal ;)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2015
Hey I really liked talking to you too :)
inactive user
It's awesome that you've seen him live. The boredom sucks though. I love The Offspring
inactive user
I'm fine. How are you? I like a variety of music. Meatloaf, Fall Out Boy, Panic at The Disco, The killers, 80's rock, and certain songs here and there
inactive user
Heh, well it is the desert!

Good thing it's dry...

the snow really hit me like a sack of bricks! Id never been that cold in my life!! Still, it was a beautiful place. I have some family there now so I'm sure Ill go again. I love the mall, man! Ill check it out--thanks!
inactive user
Oh boy. Its about 115 here in the summer on the regular, why don't we just fuse it? Medium temperatures with occasional rain?
inactive user
Right on! I hear me this is a "more ugly" part. I've never been to Fort Collins but I did visit Boulder and I really liked it. That was Christmas. My first time in real snow!

If I had my million dollars, I would be in SoCal, maybe in Orange. It's where I was born and grew up. You never forget your roots. I better start working on those millions though.

Take care! And also..don't tell me what to do! Bahhaha >:D
inactive user
Or Huntington Beach! Thats amazing too!
I am studying Child Ed, and then moving into Library Science.
Take care :P
inactive user
Haha, don't come to this neck of! Its pretty methtastic
Go to Orange (the city), one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen
Take care! :)
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