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Sunny, 29 y.o.
Busan, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2010
OH one of studetns got perfetc points????
GREAT. Maybe she is really smart~~ HAHA XDD

Oh yep. That' good If you satsfied with your score~~ HAH XDD
Don't envy her!! HAHA just kidding~~ XDD

Ah yes know. T^T middle school 3grade student's last exam is so quickly. I also did that. Yes. that is cruel!! T^T

Oh 특별전형!! HAHA I know~~!! You also busy.T^T
But cheer up with!! we can do it!! HAHA XDD
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2010
No problem^^
I'm okay~~ HAHAH XD

Oh over the exam?
That's nice!! how was it your test?? good??
You can refuse this answer. Cuz some korean students don't like this answer. hehe?>_<

Oh From now on Can you watch tv as much as you can??
That's cool!! haha Congratulation!!!! ^______^

I'm good. But so busy.
I'm doing many homework nowdays.T^T
Hell sememester!! HAHAH XDD

and you???
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2010
Oh the worst one in you life? That's too bad.T^T
Are you studying and readying for your test?

OH Yep. I agree youT^T
I also hate exams!!!!!! addly homework!!!!!! haha XDD

Uhmmm not bad.
Just oldianary~~ HAhahaha. and you?? >_<
inactive user
I want to call you '선연' ^^

when is ur exam?? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2010
Oh I know your mind T^T
When I younger I also listened that soundsTTTTTT
So terrible that!!!

my chuseok is just ordinary. just ate manythings~~
I'm fat now... hahah XD

Oh you friends is aweseome!! HAHA XD
you really popular!! hahaha XDD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2010
HAHA yep I see. you take no little pains!! HAHA XD
You wiil have good present by God!! Maybe?? haha XD

Oh mid-term test.... I also hate it!!
Who make the exam?? I will bully one If I know it!! HAHA XD
Oh you same way me.T^T
I will also do some homework during chuseok.T^T
Cheer up with me!! We can do it!! Maybe??.... hahah XD

Okay Anyway have a nice choseok!!! ^_________^
inactive user
yeah~I'm good haha
I always dream that too haha

oh ur english name is sunny?? ^^
inactive user
oh I'm Neil haha Sanggil Shim ^^ are 15 y.o in here?
ohoh I loveeeee traveling too!!! I love that!
I'll travel all around world when I go collage!!!

hahaha I alway dream that haha
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2010
HAHA okay I see.
You can do it!! I'll pray for you!! HAHAHAAH XD

Oh That is volunteer. isn't it?
It's a great thing!! Fighting!!

WOw you got the many present!! I envy you!!T^T
But happy birth day to you!!! >_<

I wish that I just take a rest. So I willl meet my friends and playing game and Full sleeeping!!! HAHAHA XD

And you?? :D
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