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Lyna, 31 y.o.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
inactive user
it's ok haha :0
how are you?
inactive user
I'm good too, I'm Tomek and you? :)
inactive user
byeeeeee Lyna....take care :-)
inactive user
hello :)
how are you?
inactive user
Thanks, also, for visiting my wall :)
inactive user
Hello Lyna,
Thanks alot for responding back,a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for being sweet. Sadly i have to go now,but i will visit your page and inbox soon again. I will bring flowers lol. Have a great week :-))))))
inactive user
Hello,how are you? Greetings from The Netherlands,country of flowers.
I'm Dave,i work in the flowerbusiness. Have a good evening and a great week ahead.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2013
hola siento mal porque no ve a ti un tiempo largo.jaja.te echo de menos!
inactive user
Ah si, he visto a JYJ en directo cuando vinieron a Barcelona, hahaha XD Tengo fotos de ellos! Y si, tengo muchísimas ganas de visitar tu país, sobretodo Ho Chi Minh (de donde es la familia de mi novio).
inactive user
Ah no, no me gustan mucho los artistas coreanos XD Me da rabia que sea la razón por la que la gente le guste Corea, pero no la mía. Y si, yo también espero vivir bien y tener una buena experiencia :) Ah, quizá visite Vietnam en dos años! La abuela de mi novio nos quiere llevar a todos cuando cumpla los 70 años ^^
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