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Lexie, 33 y.o.
Jiaxing, China [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 352.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2014
this was the worst ending for Spain
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2014
thank you very much for your post
I hope we can get along
how is my private message?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2014
greetings from Spain ^^
I hope you can communicate with me from now on
see you
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2013
Hmm I start to work part time at a patisserie like a helper and cleaner.. and this summer I will go back in turkey with my family after if my family let me go I will go to korea. I was thinking to start to university but I think I can't anymore.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2013
I think just about every culture in the world has some myths revolving around dragons. They're major characters in the novels I write
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2013
Well, it's not so much that they're evil per se. But there are a lot of stories of 'brave' knights trying to slay them to prove their str4ength. It's a difference in the mindset more than anything. European men, as a loose rule, like to prove how strong they are because that's how you show you are a 'real' man. And thus get all the young maidens. Those are only the most common myths, but there are others. Wales, for example, has a dragon on its flag because they see the dragon as a guide, teacher and protector.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2013
Okay, sleep well :)

Zai jian
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2013
I've visted Liverpool a few times in the past, but not really often. Most of the time, I only go there if I'm taking a flight to somewhere in Europe. I do keep meaning to go back and visit the Tate Modern, but Manchester already has a lot of art galleries, so it's something that I always 'mean' to do, but never really get around to doing. It's a really nice city. Small, but pleasant. Manchester is a great place for Chinese. We have a small part of the city centre put aside specifically for Chinese people. There are lots of restaurants and small tourists shops there, all owned and run by Chinese immigrants and BBCs. I like to take my daughter in January, for the new year celebrations. She likes the dragon
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2013
In the UK there's always a port nearby. At not point on the island are you ever more than sixty miles from the ocean. The closest to me is, Liverpool, which is about 35 miles. But there's also a ship canal in the city
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2013
Interesting. There's a small industrial estate about a quarter mile from where I live. A lot of shipping companies have offices there
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