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KlaudiaSaki, 29 y.o.
Kraków, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 775.
inactive user
that's great!:)
good luck with your packing.
I see.I envy you!
well,I'm learning it.but I can't speak a lot yet because I recently started learning it.But the other day,I got the dictionary.and it helps me a lot:)
inactive user
is it school trip or something?
I see.I know there are lots of things to do before traviling!
for me,preparing for traveling is kind of fun,but sometimes hard:(
yeah,of course!I'd like to visit many countries in the future<3I especially want to visit France:D
inactive user
I'm Ayana.Nice to meet you,too!
I'm good,thanks.and you?
ah,I hope that,too:)
inactive user
soudesuka ww
eeto, radwimps tpka sukidesuyo~~~wwww
band ga sukidesu.

im, cloudy desu~~
amemo tyotto, soto hontouni samuidesuyo~~~
kankoku 旅行tano sindekudasai~
inactive user
eeetone~~itibantte no ha naikedo, j-pop

ima kankokuni sundeimasu--
inactive user
inactive user
kinou nomisugi dattanode ima tyotto tukarete imasu.ㅠㅠ..
inactive user
Oh really ?

Woo you really smart !! X
inactive user
Tomorrow wil start my vacation :)

Oh university ?? But you 15 years old :O

Wow but i'm really envy you haha
inactive user
That 's okay :)

that is so great :) i'm really envy you kekeke

I don't have a holidays now ㅠ
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