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James , 31 y.o.
Porirua, New Zealand [Current City]



Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 94.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2010
Hey :)
Greetings from England!
How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2009
Yea i kno lol. been a while =).ive been ok.. so how ya been?
inactive user
Sorry for the late reply. I went to Germany last week. Now I'm only home this weekend. Sunday I'm going to England again for two weeks. But I'm doing fine, just enjoying my summerbreak. And you? And it's very nice to meet you!

inactive user
hahaha. for not being at school, right? :S
inactive user
food time sounds good. i just had breakfast :D
hahah yeah, it's good that you're trying now.
inactive user
yeah im good at school haha. generally A's and B's, i'm pretty nerdy like that hahaha.
though i did stress about exams majorly...
how about you?
inactive user
i'm pretty much booked out allll week. went out with the boyfriend yesterday, lazy day with friends today, deb dress shopping tomorrow with mum - ew dress shopping. saturday, sleepover with friend, and work. monday picnic time haha
inactive user
hahah yeah, the whole ridiculous changing weather thing is worse in melbourne, i gotta say.
and 4 degrees? that sucks.
inactive user
gold coast is fun :) i went earlier this year,
but keep your fingers crossed it doesn't rain hahaha :D
are you gonna go to all the theme parks?

i think it's about 17 degrees here in melbourne today, so not toooo cold. we don't get snow in melbourne :(
inactive user
oooh rebel haha. i'm on school holidays atm, so need for that :D
what's the weather like for your day of wagging?

and lol! that's the reason to use a word you clearly didn't understand as part of your msn

yeah i dont watch alot of tv, but im still really addicted to friends, which we own all of, and i have watched way too many times to be counted as healthy. and how i met your mother is good too...
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