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IreneQin, 35 y.o.
Shanghai, China [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 85.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2009
I wanna chat. Whats Shanghai like? I'd like to see it some day. I'm in Connecticut, USA near the Yale University.
inactive user
how are u?
nice to meet u
i m claire
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2009
Really 13 movies?
I haven't even seen one of them yet! ><
Are the movies good? I really wanna see them now T_T
its ok ^^
Simplified is pretty ok with me I can make out with it means most of the time ^^
thats good I was worried that you dunno traditional chinese sets so I won't know how to translate in chinese for you haha xD
ok ^^
we'll chat next time!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2009
yep I could understand ^^

Detective conan has 13 movies??? I never knew ><
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2009
Haha XD thats true ....
I want to be a doctor too but I'm not good enough either
I hope I can be something like a nurse or so ^^
cause I really like to help people ^^
Are you going to be a detective then? haha
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2009
You are welcome ^^
Your english seems very good! but sometimes everyone comes across a word they don't know haha and thats what interpals is for! ^^
and Yes I'm still in the high school , I graduate this year!
Why is it promising to be a nurse for a guy?
I know >< I hope to be able to get into either nursing or doctors qualifications ><
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2009
I forgot ><
if you want I can try to help you with english? if you want!
and if you can read traditional chinese I could explain it in chinese too if you want ^^ so don't be shy you can ask me anything
by the way are you in college or university?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2009
work hard and you will get it eventually!
Umm... I want to be a doctor in the future ^^ or nurse XD haha
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2009
but it is true XD when a people lies they reveal certain symptoms
so meaning that its not natural for a person to lie XD haha
and we can be easily caught if someone studies these symptoms O_O
really? I think it'd be a pretty fun experience but you have to be very observant ... which not many people are good at haha
Remeember! nothing is impossible there is only those who do to get it and others who give up in the process of getting it! so which will you be? lol
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2009
Detective Conan was my favorite in elementary school too!
haha XD and then later ’金田一‘ came on so I kinda forgot about conan and I started following alot of other animes! XD but I saw conan recently again so I dunno whats happening atm XD

"Lie To Me' ? no I haven't ..
is it a chinese or english drama?
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