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Dottie koski, 72 y.o.
Clifton, United States [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2019
Some is from mygarden but most we buy from a lady near by who sells a lpo of vegies. I buy 30 poundsa week fron her all summer, pluss a lot of other stuff. keeps pretty busy all summer.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2018
The lighters I have a briefcase double layered and a bunch of loose ones. I have a few brass bells and I like collecting wind chimes. I hang them inside so my neighbors ( HOA) don’t get on my case. Well at 5:30 this morning I repotted my rubber tree. It lost four leaves in a week , so I knew something was wrong. I looked up information on Pinterest, and so a bigger pot was needed, and yes it really did need one. Well that’s all from me. Have a great day😀😀
inactive user
hi dottie how are you doing?
inactive user
yeah it was cold here but those temps are fadeing away. we're to get an inch of snow tomorrow. I hear out east some places may be getting a blizzard! emails are welcomed

inactive user
Hi Dottie
its cold as ice here in Chicago as well. my hobbies are listed on my page but they are: photography, email,snail mail, gardening,cooking, to name a few emails are welcomed

inactive user
hi dottie lorie from Illinois
inactive user
We are all fine here and the weather bitterly cold. I guess like yours Thanks for the message
I am retired and love to read write and do crafts for the church bazaar. Glad to hear from you Viola
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2014
No not all is from my garden. I bought a lot from the farmers market here in town. My garden is very small. I live in a apartment complex, & have only a small amount of space for a garden. I grow a few tomatoes, peppers & several herb plants. most of which I dry for cooking with during the winter.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2014
my dear dottie, did you every make it to georgia, i live in milledgeville but i am from savannah. would love to hear from you, love gerald
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2013
Hello friend.
Have a in nice time..
Thanks for viewing my profile and photographs.
Myself and my wife Usha are also interested in e-penfriendship.
Awaiting your early response.
With best wishes,
Usha and Krishnakant.
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