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Tinashe, 35 y.o.
Randfontein, South Africa [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2016
Love is fascinating
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2016
life sucks when u r alone...
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2015
all i ever see are people in love, it's a great feeling. all i ever seek is to fall in love, but it seems like that person is not out there lol
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2014
Hi bro.. I'm good. how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2014
Hi :)
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2014

*her eyes sparkling like magical springs,
Ooze a mesmerizing seductive glare,
Her hair a tail of a black stallion,
Makes me sigh though in person she's not there,
Her silky smooth ivory skin,
Smoother than the voice whispering deep within,
My mind when we chat
Before I sleep,
Afflicts and sozzles like magical gin.

*I can not live to love another,
She incarcerates my soul with her smile,
Her beauty makes goddess Juno green with envy,
And go to bed to sleep for a while,
She's too perfect to speak lies,
Ernest love gleam fervidly within her eyes,
True love is a gift born in her,
She loves my poetry drifting within romantic air,

*to her heart I tressure the most,
My keepsake when travelling from coast to coast,
Her lips I so much wish to kiss,
Contribute immensely to the things I miss,
Her voice makes all the flowers bloom,
her laughter amazingly Illume,
My heart banishing shadows of sadness,
I Love the scent of her natural perfume.
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2014
so what about the poem that you make? whether it has been completed? I am not very good. I get sick coughs and colds. hahaha ... how about you?
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2014
Sorry Late reply bro.. It's ok.. no problem bro. How are you? you are so lucky with ur talent.:D . I'll be wait..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2014
Hey bro.. how are you? Busy ? Do you have example some furniture in there? I want to see . Hehe..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 22, 2014
yeah. happy easter day bro, but too late. rocks? yes, a lot of rock here, on the mountain / beach. You can see it all on google. You can search for the engine ' Batu pantai parai bangka " and you will get some image from there. I hope one day I can enjoying my night on ur hometown.
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