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Alyaa, 27 y.o.
Bogor, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
inactive user
Please forgive me for the late reply ><.
Yes Geography and Geology are pretty close. As a geographer we have to study geology to understand and provide an answer to certain phenomena like earth quake for example.
Indonesia is one of the best country to study geology with all the volcano around x)
inactive user
Hello, ops sorry 'bout it. Nice to meet u too. Anyway u can call me Val ^^
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2015
indonesia? :D bolehh salam kenal
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2015
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2015
hello!! glad to meet you
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